Open Access Artículos: Recent submissions
Now showing items 281-300 of 395
Approximation to the study of water quality
(Applied Mathematical Sciences, 2018-03-25)The main objective of this study is to propose a discrete approach to water quality study, applied to freshwater ecosystems, through the uctuations in the populations of benthic macroinvertebrates and their tolerance to pollution. -
Spectral study of the Geometric-Arithmetic Index
(Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 2015-11-14)The concept of geometric-arithmetic index was introduced in the chemical graph theory recently, but it has shown to be useful. One of the main aims of algebraic graph theory is to determine how, or whether, properties of ... -
On the contextualization of mathematical problems
(International Journal of Research in Education methodology, 2015-04-03)In this work the treatment of the cognitive interests of students is revealed, it is a way that allows the stratification of the group students according to their tastes and aspirations, and from that position by contextualizing ... -
Patrones de transfiguración de la vivienda vernácula caso de estudio: Chilapa de Álvarez (Guerrero, México)
(Territorios, 2014-07-18) -
Patrimonio arquitectónico en los hoteles de Taxco de Alarcón, Gro
(Topofilia, Revista de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Territorios, 2017-01)In this work an analysis is elaborated on the concept of cultural heritage. A study is made to know the authentic interest of the different actors who participate and affect the architectural heritage, the government and ... -
Aporte al turismo cultural en el centro histórico de Guadalajara (2014-2016)
(Topofilia, Revista de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Territorios, 2017-10)The central objective was to expose the current tourist use of the Historic Center of Guadalajara (CHG) by domestic and foreign tourists in the 2014-2016 biennium. The methodology used was qualitative and quantitative. The ... -
Procesos rururbanos y seguridad en la vivienda tradicional
(Observatorio del desarrollo, 2015-01) -
Taxco de Alarcón, Guerrero: sus narrativas y sus encantos
(Topofilia, Revista de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Ciencias Sociales, 2014-03) -
Deterioro urbano de Taxco de Alarcón: pueblo mágico
(Topofilia, Revista de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Ciencias Sociales, 2012-12) -
Imaginario turístico de Taxco
(Topofilia, Revista de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Ciencias Sociales, 2013-10) -
Taxco de Alarcón: magia y realidad
(Topofilia, Revista de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Ciencias Sociales, 2013-11) -
Análisis urbano y morfológico de Taxco de Alarcón, Gro. siglo XX marco teórico metodológico
(Topofilia, Revista de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Ciencias Sociales, 2012-09) -
Afromexicanos entre la segregación y la identidad
(Boletín Científico Sapiens Research, 2018-06-20)This article aims to communicate the results of two different studies, one using quantitative approach and the other an ethnographic method, in which the concept of Afromexican identity has been deeply questioned. The ... -
Los hijos mapuches de la democracia: Alianza Territorial Mapuche Pü Löf Xawün
(SudHistoria, 2013-05-10)The Mapuche Pü Löf Xawün's territorial alliance is a mapuche's organization that constitute by young people born during democracy era, and how they are obliged to living the political repression of the left Government. ... -
Caracterización bromatológica de hidrocoloides de semillas de Hymenaea courbaril
(Foro de estudios sobre Guerrero, 2013-05)Hymenaea courbaril, commonly known as coapinol, carob or locust, is a leguminous tree that belongs to the Fabaceae family, can reach 30-40 m in height. This tree has produced approximately 800 fruits per year, which are ... -
Derecho de propiedad y estrategias de uso de televisión e internet en el barrio Pedregal de Santo Domingo: Un estudio sobre el vínculo entre comunicación y ciudadanía al sur de la ciudad de México
(Comunidad e ciudadania, 2008-01)This paper focus on the development of conventional and not conventional communication started in the first seventies with the construction of citizenship processes in Mexico City. It shows also the relation between two ... -
Patrones de riqueza y diversidad de especies vegetales en un gradiente altitudinal en guerrero, México
(Polibotanica, 2018-01)The study area includes from cañón del Zopilote to carrizal de Bravo, belonging to the Balsas river basin, Guerrero, México. This area is considered one of its most important centers of diversity and endemism of the genus ... -
Propuestas de políticas públicas para la prevención de la violencia y el delito en Acapulco, Guerrero 2018
(Inciso, 2018-04-26)This article aims to provide a series of recommendations to counteract the violence in Acapulco, which is classified as one of the most dangerous cities in the world. They are based on the results of a diagnosis realized ... -
Movimiento Social Alianza Territorial Mapuche Pu Lof Xawun
(Temas de nuestra américa, 2012-01)Since the Spanish Conquest, the Mapuche people have faced dispossessions and different intervention pacts in their relationship with the Chilean nation. The adoption of neoliberal economic policies during the Augusto ... -
Podas de reducción de copa e inducción de floración en Mango Ataulfo
(Foro de Estudios sobre Guerrero, 2016-04)Crown reduction pruning and induction of flowering in Mango Ataulfo. The study aimed to assess the effect on the performance of different pruning intensities, treated with growth regulators and inducers of flowering. The ...