Now showing items 1141-1160 of 1614

    • Diversidad y estructura de la selva mediana subperennifolia de Acapulco Gro México 

      Juárez Agis, Alejandro; Herrera Castro, Natividad Delfina; Martínez y Pérez, José Luis; Reyes Umana, Maximino (Revista Iberoamericana de las Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, 2016-07)
      The structure, composition, richness and diversity of tree species was analyzed in semi-evergreen tropical forest in two geographical conditions in Acapulco, Guerrero. Seven sampling units of 600 m2 were monitored, four ...
    • Bajo nivel académico por el uso de herramientas tecnológicas que emplean estudiantes durante las clases 

      Bedolla Solano, Ramon; Miranda Esteban, Adriana (Foro de Estudios sobre Guerrero, 2014-06-04)
      This work is derived from the research project Design and implementation of an educational program based on a didactic approach - teaching for addiction prevention with students from the Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero ...
    • Brief review on chagas disease in the state of Guerrero, Mexico 

      Bárcenas Irabien, Alejandra Gabriela; Sampedro Rosas, María Laura (MedCrave, 2017-08-24)
      The current review attempts to understand the emergence of American trypanosomiasis, commonly known as Chagas disease. The lack of knowledge due to very few research studies on this disease in the State of Guerrero has led ...
    • Indicators of sustainability in educational practice: perception of teachers and students of UAGro-Mexico 

      Brito Carmona, Rosa María; Rodríguez Alviso, Columba; Aparicio Lopez, Jose Luis; Paolacci, Jerome; Sampedro Rosas, María Laura; Beltrán Rosas, Juana (Sustainability, 2018-01)
      Teachers and university students require knowledge to generate positive changes and to overcome environmental challenges through innovative and relevant research. The Autonomous University of Guerrero lacks reliable ...
    • Análisis del currículo y otros actores del proceso educativo para identificar el eje ambiental: informe proyecto 

      Bedolla Solano, Ramon; Miranda Esteban, Adriana; Bedolla Solano, Juan José; Castillo Elías, Benjamín; Sánchez Adame, Oscar (Revista do Programa de Pos-graduacao em Educacao, 2016-11-30)
      This paper contains an analysis which derives from a diagnosis made from the first stage of a research project registered by the Autonomous University of Guerrero (UAGro) during 2015-2016 period. Among its goals arises a ...
    • An educational intervention to generate environmental behaviors in the family 

      De La Llata Lopez, Maria Elena; Sampedro Rosas, María Laura; Olmos Martínez, Elizabeth; Rosas Acevedo, Jose Luis; Juarez Lopez, Ana Laura; Bedolla Solano, Ramon (International Journal of Current Research, 2017-12)
      The rational use of natural resources and the protection of the environment means acting with responsability and opportunity. To generate environmental behaviors in the family, its members must have environmental culture. ...
    • Sustainability in teaching: an evaluation of university teachers and students 

      Brito Carmona, Rosa María; Rodríguez Alviso, Columba; Aparicio Lopez, Jose Luis (Sustainability, 2018-01)
      Since the 1970s, interest in caring for the environment has gained traction and the environmental education movement has gained momentum. The Talloires Declaration was the first document to incorporate sustainable development ...
    • Perfil profesional ambientalmente responsable del Ingeniero civil del Tecnológico Nacional de México 

      Castro Bello, Mirna; Rodriguez Alviso, Columba; Sampedro Rosas, María Laura; Vences Martínez, José Ángel (Iberoamericana de Ciencias, 2017-06)
      To define the environmentally responsible professional profile of the graduate of civil engineering of the Tecnológico Nacional de México, a statistical methodology based on social simulators was applied, in a sample space ...
    • Strengthening of the learning unit: (Environmental Culture) to train environmental competences in students, unit 12 a dependent on the Universidad Pedagogica Nacional, Mexico 

      Gabriel Valenzo, Yesenia del Rosario; Bedolla Solano, Ramon; Sampedro Rosas, María Laura; Castillo Elías, Benjamín (International Journal of Current Research, 2018-03)
      To strengthen the Environmental Culture Learning Unit (ECLU) was necessary to design and implement an Environmental Education Program (EEP) attached to the (ECLU). The implementation of EEP was with students of the bachelor`s ...
    • Afectación del manglar por actividades antropogénicas en la subcuenca de nuxco, Guerrero, México 

      Vences Martínez, José Ángel; Sampedro Rosas, María Laura; Castillo Elías, Benjamín; Olmos Martínez, Elizabeth; Juarez Lopez, Ana Laura; Reyes Umana, Maximino (Revista Mexicana Agroecosistemas, 2016-09-23)
      There are no precise data on the extent of mangroves in the coastal areas of Mexico, because it has been affected by the irrational and illegal logging, by urban developments and the inhabitants settled around the ecosystem, ...
    • Perception and enviromental, knowledge fo anthropogenic activities In a coastal community 

      Vences Martínez, José Ángel; Sampedro Rosas, María Laura; Olmos Martínez, Elizabeth; Rosas Guerrero, Víctor Manuel; Castillo Elías, Benjamín; Juarez Lopez, Ana Laura (International Journal of Current Research, 2018-01)
      The ecosystem services provided by coastal zones have been severely affected by anthropogenic activities. The purpose of this study was to determine both the perception of residents of a coastal town on their environmental ...
    • Metodología para transversalizar el eje medio ambiente: un enfoque estadístico 

      Castro Bello, Mirna; Rodriguez Alviso, Columba; Sampedro Rosas, María Laura; Aparicio Lopez, Jose Luis (Revista Mexicana de Agroecosistemas, 2016-11-15)
      The training of the civil engineer does not guarantee an environmentally responsible professional practice. This research aims to incorporate the cross-cutting environment in the curriculum of Civil Engineering of the ...
    • Metodología para el diagnostico del saber ambiental en el contexto comunitario 

      Rosas Acevedo, Jose Luis; Castellanos Meza, Carmelo; González González, Justiniano; Sevilla Torres, Víctor Manuel German; Reyes Umana, Maximino (Academia Journals, 2016-06-09)
    • Water Scarcity Index Calculation, Atlas Animas, Tecoanapa Municipality, Guerrero, Mexico 

      Suastegui Cruz, Sirilo; Rosas Acevedo, Jose Luis; Reyes Umana, Maximino; Rodríguez Herrera, América Libertad; Hernández Castro, Elías; Gallardo López, Felipe; Leyva Zúñiga, Ana Patricia (Academic Research Publishing Group, 2018-01)
      Water consumption is a problem, as it is used inefficiently, besides that, the demand is growing much faster tan nature can supply, so in the present study an analysis was conducted to determine the amounts of water used ...
    • Una experiencia de evaluación docente en la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, México 

      Rodríguez Alviso, Columba; Aparicio Lopez, Jose Luis; Beltrán Rosas, Juana (Serbiluz, 2016-01)
      This article presents the institutional experience in the diagnostic evaluation of teachers who participate in educational programs of higher education in Universidad Autonoma of Guerrero. It is based on the perspective ...
    • Diagnóstico de la calidad de suelo utilizando información satelital de Teziutlán, Puebla, México 

      Rodríguez Herrera, América Libertad; Torres Trejo, Edgardo; Linares Fleites, Gladys (Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología de la UACJ, 2014-01)
    • Pantoea agglomerans productora de biosurfactante aislada de rizosfera de pastos Tanzania y Llanero 

      Chávez González, José Daniel; Rodríguez Barrera, Miguel Ángel; Romero Ramírez, Yanet; Ayala Sánchez, Alejandro; Ruvalcaba Ledezma, Jesús Carlos; Toribio Jiménez, Jeiry (Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas, 2016-05)
      Pantoea agglomerans is a beneficial bacteria in various plants as it promotes plant growth, coupled with this only some strains can produce biosurfactants, these biosurfactants are capable of causing hemolysis on blood ...
    • Isolation and screening of bacteria from Zea mays plant growth promoters 

      Toribio Jiménez, Jeiry; Rodríguez Barrera, Miguel Ángel; Hernández Flores, Giovanni; Castellanos Escamilla, Mildred; Romero Ramírez, Yanet (Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental, 2016-08)
      Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria is a beneficial microbe colonizing plant roots, which enhances crop productivity and offers an attractive way to replace chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and supplements. In Mexico, ...
    • Evaluation of polyhydroxyalkanoates producing bacteria isolated from soils with wastes of Cocos nucifera 

      Romero Ramírez, Yanet; Hernández Flores, Giovanni; Rodríguez Barrera, Miguel Ángel; Segura González, Daniel Genaro; Toribio Jiménez, Jeiry; Castellanos Escamilla, Mildred; Hernández Eligio, José Alberto (Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental, 2016-07)
      Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are polyesters produced and accumulated in prokary-otes as carbon and energy storage materials. These polymers can be used to produce biodegradable plastics. Actually, the industrial production ...
    • Diagnóstico ambiental de tres comunidades Mayo del municipio de Benito Juárez de Sonora 

      Juarez Lopez, Ana Laura; Rosas Acevedo, Jose Luis; Sampedro Rosas, María Laura (Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencias, 2014-07)
      A participatory diagnosis of the main environmental problems at three communities Mayo in the municipality of Benito Juarez, Sonora, Mexico was conducted. They held workshops with key stakeholders in the communities where ...